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  • Slam scenes

From 2001 to 2019, the 129H Collective orchestrated seven periods of residency in Paris: L'Ogresse (2002), Union Bar (2003), Théranga (2004), Palais Bar (2006), Lou Pascalou (2007-2008), La Scène du canal (2014-2017), Lou Pascalou (2018-2019).

  • Shows


Young audiences or all audiences, we offer high quality original shows.

Since 2007, hundreds of curtain raisers and thousands of spectators, 129H accompanies its artists and their unique universes in all stages of their creations.

👏 129H Spectacles
ROUDA - Les mots nus - 1er roman
Lyor "Procrastiner" Live
Teaser Neobled
129H - Slameurs Publics Teaser
  • Radio Mouv' Chronicles

From 2011 to 2013, we hosted a daily news column in the Mouv' morning. Musical, offbeat, rapological and (im) relevant, nearly 250 chronicles have been recorded for the Radio France group.

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